Saturday, October 2, 2010

Name a debt that you wish would magically be paid off

Name a debt that you wish would magically be paid off
1. Mortgage
2. Credit Card
3. Car loan
4. Student loan

Why might you regret picking up a lost dog?

Why might you regret picking up a lost dog?
1. Fleas
2. Bites
3. Rabies
4. Get attached
5. Dirty

Friday, October 1, 2010

Name something you may be asked at the bank if you forgot your ID.

Name something you may be asked at the bank if you forgot your ID.
1. Social Security
2. Account number
3. Mother's maiden name
4. Address
5. Date of birth

Other than fight, what does a pro wrestler do that a kid would get in trouble for copying?

Other than fight, what does a pro wrestler do that a kid would get in trouble for copying?
1. Bad language
2. Jump from things
3. Yell
4. Throw things